Create an eco-friendly kitchen with innovative ways to reduce waste and promote healthy living
Love fizzy water? We have the soda makers!
Even though the plastic bottles and aluminum cans you buy at the grocery store can be recycled, buying them increases demand and producing them is a process that harms the environment. A seltzer maker turns your tap water into sparkling water in seconds! You control how much fizz and what flavors, if any, you drink. No more lugging heavy bottles of seltzer home from the store and no more recycling… problem solved.
We stock soda makers by Aarke and SodaStream, along with CO2 exchange and spare bottles by Soda Stream. Come in and compare the features and finishes.
Easy, re-usable solutions to reduce the need for plastic in your kitchen
Favorite sustainable kitchen items include: reusable produce bags, reusable straws, Bee’s Wrap reusable food wrap, Weck and Bormioli glass storage containers, compost pails, compostable compost liners, re-usable bowl covers, reusable shopping totes and bags, and seltzer water makers.
At Kitchen Outfitters, we only use paper shopping bags, and have since opening in 2006. We also recycle all our cardboard and paper and we find people in our community who re-use our packing materials, bubble wrap, and peanuts.